From musical instruments to records, there’s so much for you to choose from in our shop. We can provide students at Crescendo Music Academy with all they need for their lessons, and much more besides. We believe in quality, and our stock is carefully chosen to offer you the best value for money we can.
Whatever you’re looking for, we’ll do our best to make sure you get exactly what you need, and our team are on-hand to answer any questions you may have. Why not pop in and visit us today? We're open 10:30 - 2:30 Monday to Friday.

Records and gifts
We have a range of records available in our store, as well as music books, accessories, and gifts for musicians and dancers. We even have a selection of cards and appropriate wrapping paper if you’re shopping for gifts!
Musical instruments
Are you a musician looking to for a new instrument? Specialising in guitars and keyboards, we can order a selection of quality instruments at excellent prices. Speak to the team today about finding the right instrument.
We’re proud of what we offer in our George Lane music shop, with a carefully selected range for you to choose from. We keep our prices competitive, and we aim to be the friendly local music store that South Woodford deserves.
If you need any help, or further information about any of the products on offer, please get in touch